Items types and behavior

From creation to activation, adding an item to the catalog is key to the project. When creating an item in the catalog, several item types are available, each having different behaviors on the shelf. The most common types are the product, tester, accessory, and visual. Let's have a look at their behaviors in the 2D editor.







The product type item is the most common one. On the shelf, the product will behave just like in real life and will be placed at the back of the shelf where the facing and the stock usually are.

It can be fully modeled in 3D or built from an image and dimensions.




The tester type is also very common. This type of item is used as a demonstration product and in 2D it will be automatically located at the forefront of the shelf and placed in front of the products. Testers don't interfere with products as they are not on the same line (position) as products. 

It can be fully modeled in 3D or built from an image and dimensions.




An accessory is used as a support for items. Like the product and tester, it can be entirely modeled in 3D or built from an image and dimensions.

The accessory type has two levels of settings, its position on the shelf and its behavior on the shelf:

    • Position on shelf:
      • Product: The accessory will be placed among the products in the background of your shelf. You will not be able to place it in front of other products.
      • Tester: The accessory will be placed at the tester level in the foreground of the shelf. Products may be placed behind it.
      • Shelf Edge: The accessory will be attached to the front edge of the shelf.
    • position_acc new.png
    • Behavior on shelf:
      • Glorifier behavior: Deactivated by default, switch on this option if you want to be able to place any items in front of or within your accessory. A glorifier allows other items to be placed over its image which makes the other items appear to be placed on the glorifier.




The visual type of item is the easiest one. It is placed at the back of the fixtures in 2D.

It is built from an image and dimensions so you just need to download your image/visual and provide the size for it then you're good to go!


You can also use the visual type to integrate shelf-talkers into your guidelines or customise your glorifiers.

Good to know

Additional item types are available such as shoe, textile accessory, clothing, etc. Reach out to your main contact to activate them if you need them!