Import & Export of catalog.csv

Rules on items



Data Dictionary


The catalog contains all the elements needed to build a guideline in 2D and in 3D, organized into brands and folders. Items can be managed manually, but thanks to the IMPORT & EXPORT features on the IWD Platform, it is also possible to create/update items in your catalog in bulk, allowing you to save a lot of time! 

Rules on items


When creating a new item, the user must choose an item type. Several types are available, please refer to this article for more information about the most common item types and their behaviors. The available types are:

product, tester, accessory, visual, furniture, object3D, compositeObject3D, pointOfSaleRepresentation, shoes, cloth, textileAccessory, and storeComponent.

  • Note that an instance is linked only to a restricted list of types.
  • Keep in mind that the item type can no longer be changed after item creation.


The IWD Platform provides you with realistic renderings. Therefore, each item image you wish to upload into the platform database must follow specific requirements. Make sure to learn how to retouch your images in order to create and feed new items to your catalog. 


  • Each 3D file must be a valid *.display file.
  • The name of a 3D file must not contain any spaces, make sure to replace spaces with "_".



Please refer to this article for the step-by-step import process, including how to download the template and how to set up your *.csv file. It is essential to follow this process for the import to be successful.


  • We recommend you name this file with a prefix and a suffix e.g. xxx-catalog-2023-02.csv
  • The first line contains the names of the columns, please refer to the Data Dictionary below to help you fill in the information. Make sure to fill in the mandatory fields for the import to be successful. 
  • As *.csv templates are case-sensitive, make sure to fill in the following columns in lowercase: 
    • Type: product, visual, tester, accessory, etc.
    • Stock: calculated
    • Can be placed: yes
    • Activated: yes
  • The following characters are not authorized in the import: [:] and [EOL ↵]
  • You can import using commas or semicolons as separators but you can't use both in the same file.
  • Imports are limited to 500 lines. If you need to import a larger document, you must split it into smaller files and import each file individually.
  • ⚠️ Important: The file imported must be in valid UTF-8 format for the import to be successful.


If the import has failed, error messages will show up in red. The most common errors are listed below along with their solution. This will give you visibility on how to fix the most common import errors that might occur during the upload of your catalog.

Information is half completed

Solution: Complete folder structure without skipping folder columns.

Code being used by another item
Solution: Review code1 / unique codes for all items.
Dimensions must be superior to 0 and inferior to 1000000
Solution: Maximum of 2 decimal points
"markets" format is invalid
Solution: Use the correct name of market. If you want to select all the markers, use the “*”
Facing does not exist
Solution: Check and correct image file name (ex: .png vs .jpg)
Facing + dimensions are mandatory on creation
Solution: Make sure all items have mandatory dimensions (width, height and depth)
This brand does not exist
Solution: For a new brand on the catalog, it needs to be created manually before the csv import.
The csv contains too many lines
Solution: Our current limit for the number of lines that can be imported is 500. If you're trying to import a larger document, you need to split it into smaller files and import each file individually.


On the EXPORT modal, the user can export a catalog.csv file containing all the items from the catalog and their information. The first line of the file contains the name of the columns, as described in the Data Dictionary below.

Note that the export will only contain items:

  • That aren't archived.
  • That are linked to at least one brand of the user.
  • That are linked to at least one market of the user.

Data dictionary

Please refer to this data dictionary to fill in the import file and understand the content of the export file.


UUID of the item. Has to be extracted from the platform.
The file can contain both filled and empty cells.

      • If filled, its content must be a valid existing UUID and it’s an update.
      • If empty, it’s a creation.



Name of the item.
Its content must be between 1 and 80 characters.


Type of the item.
The item type has to be available on the instance.
The type of item cannot be updated after the item's creation.

On creation, it must be a value between:
product, tester, accessory, visual, furniture, object3D, compositeObject3D, pointOfSaleRepresentation, shoes, cloth, textileAccessory, storeComponent, makeupGrid.

Mandatory on creation


Activation status of the item.
The value can be yes or no. For an item creation, by default the value is no.

archived Archive status of the item.
The value can be yes or no. For an item creation, by default the value is no.

The main corporate code used to identify the item.

      • Its content must be between 1 and 80 characters.
      • Two items of the same type can’t have the same code.



The second corporate code used to identify the item.

      • Its content must be between 1 and 80 characters.



The third corporate code used to identify the item.

      • Its content must be between 1 and 80 characters.



The brand of the item. 

      • It must be an existing brand (Generic brand included).
      • Its content must be between 1 and 80 characters.



The groups of markets and markets on which the items are available.

      • The user can only use groups and markets that are already created.
      • This column is optional on update and if the value is empty, the markets won’t be changed.

Optional on item’s update - At least one market mandatory on item’s creation

Format to fill in: group1:marketA,marketB,...;group2:marketX,marketY

      • One group name is followed by “:” and then by one or multiple of its markets.
      • Markets are separated by ",".
      • Groups are separated by “;”.

Example: America:Mexico,USA,Canada;Asia:China,Japan;Europe:France,Italy


      • “*”: will automatically link the item to all markets.
      • group1”: if there is no market with this name already integrated, the item will be linked to all markets in this group of markets.
      • marketA” if only one market (and no group of markets) has this name, the item will be linked to it.

On creation, at least folder1 is mandatory because an item can be placed directly in a brand, it must be placed in a folder.

      • Its content must be between 1 and 80 characters.
      • If the folder doesn’t exist, it will be created.
      • We can’t have two folders with the same name in one location.



The second name of the item. Can be a name in another language for example.

      • Its content must be less than 80 characters.

The description of the item.The second name of the item.

      • Its content must be less than 80 characters.

Width of the item.

      • It is set in mm in import
      • Value must be between 0 and 1000000
      • Can have 2 decimals maximum

Available for:
cosmetic, product, tester, cosmetic tester, shoes, accessory, textile accessory, cloth, bottle, factice, tobacco, watch, visual, store.

Not available if a 3D model is set. 
Mandatory if no 3D model set.


Height of the item.

      • It is set in mm in import
      • Value must be between 0 and 1000000
      • Can have 2 decimals maximum

Available for:
cosmetic, product, tester, cosmetic tester, shoes, accessory, textile accessory, cloth, bottle, factice, tobacco, watch, visual, store.

Not available if a 3D model is set. 
Mandatory if no 3D model set.


Depth of the item.

      • It is set in mm in import
      • Value must be between 0 and 1000000
      • Can have 2 decimals maximum

Available for:
cosmetic, product, tester, cosmetic tester, shoes, accessory, textile accessory, cloth, bottle, factice, tobacco, watch, visual, store.

Not available if a 3D model is set. 
Mandatory if no 3D model set.


First volume, weight, or capacity of the item.

      • Value must be between 0 and 10000000000
      • Can have 2 decimals maximum

Available for:
cosmetic, product, tester, cosmetic tester, bottle, factice, tobacco.

Optional - Mandatory if volume/weight1 unit is set.

volume/weight1 unit

The unit of the first volume, weight, or capacity of the item.

Values can only be:
mL, cL, L, fl oz, g, kg, oz, lbs, pieces.

Available for:
cosmetic, product, tester, cosmetic tester, bottle, factice, tobacco.

Optional - Mandatory if volume/weight1 is set.


Second volume, weight, or capacity of the item.

      • Value must be between 0 and 10000000000
      • Can have 2 decimals maximum

Available for:
cosmetic, product, tester, cosmetic tester, bottle, factice, tobacco.

Optional - Mandatory if volume/weight2 unit is set.
volume/weight2 unit

The unit of the second volume, weight, or capacity of the item.

Values can only be:
mL, cL, L, fl oz, g, kg, oz, lbs, pieces.

Available for:
cosmetic, product, tester, cosmetic tester, bottle, factice, tobacco.

Optional - Mandatory if volume/weight2 is set.


The stock is used both in exports and during the transition from 2D to 3D. It can be automatically calculated in relation to the depth of the furniture.

Values can only be:

      • Calculated (by default)
      • A value superior to 1 and inferior to 1000000 (Defined)

Available for:
cosmetic, product, shoes, textile accessory, cloth, bottle, tobacco, watch.


on exported document

Items that won’t be listed in reports.
Example: shelftalkers that appear in the guidelines, do not need to be listed in reports.

      • The value can be yes or no, default value is yes

Available for:
cosmetic, product, tester, cosmetic tester, shoes, accessory, textile accessory, cloth, bottle, factice, tobacco, watch, object3D, fixture.

can be placed

Items that won’t be available to be placed in a guideline.
Example: screws that appear on exported documents due to the set of order feature, don't need to be placed on guidelines.

      • The value can be yes or no, default value is yes

Available for:
cosmetic, product, tester, cosmetic tester, shoes, accessory, textile accessory, cloth, bottle, factice, tobacco, watch, object3D.



Image of the item.

      • This image must be in *.png format.
      • This image must be less than 15MB.

The user must put the name of the image in the field.

To generate a temporary facing: write temp as a value in the column.

Available for:
cosmetic, product, tester, cosmetic tester, shoes, accessory, textile accessory, cloth, bottle, factice, tobacco, watch, visual, store.

Not available if a 3D model is set (in that case a facing will be generated)
Mandatory if no 3D model set.

3D model

3D model of the item.

      • This 3D model must be a valid *.display file.
      • The user must put the name of an existing 3D model or the name of 3D model file just uploaded.

The name of the 3D model is the name of the file's name, without the extension (*.display) and “_” replaced by spaces.

Available for:
cosmetic, product, tester, cosmetic tester, shoes, accessory, textile accessory, cloth, bottle, factice, tobacco, fixture, watch, store, object 3D.

Not available if dimensions/facing are set or if it’s a fixture built in 2D. 
Mandatory in the opposite case.


Available for items with a 3D model that allows a color.

When a 3D model is attached to an item if this model can have a color the user will be able to attach a color. 
This can be done by picking a color in a color picker or typing its code (HEXA, RGBA, HSLA, HSVA, or CMYK).

The color will be applied to the 3D model for this item.



Texture of the item.

      • This image must be a PNG.
      • This image can’t be bigger than 15MB.

This texture will be applied to the 3D model for this item.

Available for items with a 3D model that allows a texture.
When a 3D model is attached to an item if this model can have a texture the user will be able to attach a texture. 
This can be done by uploading an image from a computer.


preview orientation

Orientation of the item.
It can be:

      • Front.
      • Top.
      • Perspective.

The "front" orientation is set-up by default if the column has no value. The default value can be changed in the instance settings.