Duplicate a piece of furniture

Duplicating pieces of furniture can be useful when you need to create some new furniture very similar to an existing construction. You don’t need to create it from scratch, you can just duplicate it and adapt it to your local needs. Once you duplicate an item of furniture, it becomes yours! 

1 In the database of items, search for the furniture you need to copy.

2 Click on the  icon on the far right side of the furniture’s preview.


This will lead you to the new furniture information sheet. You can identify that it is a copy because it will be written in parenthesis following the name e.g. SUMMER2021 - BRAND - retailer1 (copy).

3 Select the folder in which you wish to save your duplicated item.

4 Edit the information about the new furniture and begin to edit it.

5 Don’t forget to save by clicking on the floppy disk icon (or use CTRL+S) and make sure it is activated.