Any kind of file (PDF, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Adobe, etc.) can be uploaded to the IWD Platform in order to be shared with your network.
Admins can upload files either from the store page, under the FILES tab, or from the DOCUMENTS section.
The maximum size of the file uploaded can't exceed 300 MB
1 Click on ADD DOCUMENT.
2 Simply drag and drop a file or click to browse your computer. A preview will be available for most types of files (Excel, Powerpoint, PDF, etc.)
3 Name your file.
4 You have the option to select which folder to store it under, and add a description.
5 When your document is uploaded, click on CONFIRM.
Good to know
You can also upload files from the store page, under the FILES TAB
1 Open the document you wish to bookmark.
2 Click on the BOOKMARK ⭐ icon at the top right of the page.
3 All documents bookmarked will be stored under the BOOKMARKS tab on the main document interface.