Going through the POS information sheet



When you first land on a store page, you will see the dashboard.
1 To navigate through the store sections and see the store content, click on the icons displayed on this page, or select the menu icon on the right: 




2 Key metrics are displayed on the dashboard:

      • Contact: Total number of accounts linked to that point of sale
      • Photos: Number of new photos added, validated & best practiced within the last 6 months
      • Furniture: Sum of the item reference
      • Files: Number of files linked to the store
      • Surveys: Number of surveys to complete



Contact tab

Under this tab, visualize all the users linked to this store. You can add contacts by clicking on "EDIT"

Only these users are able to access the store page.

They also receive a notification when a new survey is published if the owner choose to notify them.


Store information tab

In this section, view the static and general store information such as opening date, total area, phone numbers, market, cluster...


Details tab

In this section, view additional information about the store: turnover, concept, type of distribution...

This information is personalized and varies by clientThis can be updated dynamically via surveys or directly on the store page by users that have been given these rights.

Click here to see how to edit store information.


In order for users other than Inter to be able to edit this information directly in the store page, they need to have the rights to do so. Also, the editable custom fields must have been previously set up in that way.


Photos tab

In this section, view all the photos linked to this store, organized within folders. This is also where you can upload pictures for the store.

You can also manage photos from here by adding tags, defining as Best Practice, etc.

*Store content is organized by folders. If you do not see a specific folder, you need to select it. Also, note that special rights are required to create new folders.


Surveys tab

In this section, view the surveys linked to this store.

You can (depending on your rights) add a new survey directly from this section on the store page. 

Read our article on how to create a survey.

*Store content is organized by folders. If you do not see a specific folder, you need to select it. Also, note that special rights are required to create new folders.


Furniture tab

In this section, view the inventory of items available in this store.

This section is personalized and varies by client, and can be updated either directly by editing the information on the tab, or dynamically via surveys.


Files tab

In this section, view the files linked to the store. Depending on your rights you can download/add/delete those files and add tags.
