Import & Export of catalog-market.csv



Data dictionary


On the platform, just like in real life, some item information may vary according to the market: item prices and item codes. This information can be managed manually, but thanks to the IMPORT & EXPORT features, it is also possible to update market-specific item prices and codes on the platform in bulk, allowing you to save a lot of time! 




Please refer to this article for the step-by-step import process, including how to download the template and how to set up your *.csv file. It is essential to follow this process for the import to be successful.


  • We recommend you name this file with a prefix and a suffix e.g. xxx-catalog-market-2023-02.csv
  • The first line contains the names of the columns, please refer to the Data dictionary below to help you fill in the information. Make sure to fill in the mandatory fields for the import to be successful. 
  • Empty cells (or columns) will result in removing the corresponding data from the database.
  • The following characters are not authorized in the import: [:] and [EOL ↵]
  • You can import using commas or semicolons as separators but you can't use both in the same file.
  • Imports are limited to 10,000 lines. If you need to import a larger document, you must split it into smaller files and import each file individually.
  • ⚠️ Important: The file imported must be in valid UTF-8 format for the import to be successful.


On the EXPORT modal, the user can export a catalog-market.csv file containing all the item price and code information by market. The first line of the file contains the name of the columns, as described in the Data dictionary below.


  • A special right is required to export this file, only users with this right will be able to download it.
  • One line is created for each item on each market so there may be multiple lines for the same item. Note that lines are only displayed for the markets an item is linked to.
  • If the price value is empty for a combination of item and market, the currency is automatically set to the most used currency on that specific market.
  • The export will contain:
    • Only the markets the user has access to.
    • Only the items the user has access to (brand restriction).
  • The export will not contain: 
    • Archived items.
    • Deactivated items if the user does not have the right to see them.

Data dictionary

uuid UUID of the item. Has to be extracted from the platform.
Optional but it is mandatory to reference at least the item uuid or the item code for each line. If both are referenced then only the uuid is used.
code Code of the item.
Optional but it is mandatory to reference at least the item uuid or the item code for each line. If both are referenced then only the uuid is used.
type Type of the item.
Optional but as multiple items with different types can have the same code, if the code is referenced (and not the uuid) and the type is not, then all items will be updated.
name Name of the item.
The item name, while available when exporting the catalog-market.csv file, will be ignored at import. To update the item name, please import the catalog.csv file.
market Name of the group of markets and market.
In the following format: group1:marketA (for instance: Africa:Algeria)
"marketA" shortcut:
  • If only one market (and no group of markets) has this name, the item will be linked to it.
  • If multiple entities are named “marketA” (groups and/or markets), you will get an error and will have to reference the group.
market code Code of the group of markets.
market code 2 Code of the group of markets.
price 1 value Item price 1.
price 1 currency Currency code of the item price 1.
In the ISO currency code format.
Optional but mandatory if price 1 value is defined. If the currency is set but not the value, the currency will not be saved.
price 2 value Item price 2.
price 2 currency Currency code of the item price 2.
In the ISO currency code format.
Optional but mandatory if price 2 value is defined. If the currency is set but not the value, the currency will not be saved.