Below you will find all of the possibilities regarding duplication of elements from your catalog, in order to create your guideline most intuitively.
Duplicate Products
When an item on a shelf's product zone is duplicated, it is by default duplicated to the right by juxtaposing the new item with the original one. This action is realised went pressing the letter [D] on your keyboard.
If the user uses the [Alt]+[Arrow] shortcut, the duplication is done by using the available distance between the selected product/accessory and the first item on the same zone, or the limit of the shelf, encountered in the opposite direction
Duplicate Testers
When an item on the shelf tester zone is duplicated, it is by default duplicated to the right by juxtaposing the new item with the original one. This action is realised went pressing the letter [D] on your keyboard.
If a user uses the [Alt]+[Arrow] shortcut, the duplication is done by using the available distance between the selected tester/accessory and the first item on the same zone, or the limit of the shelf, encountered in the opposite direction.
Duplicate Make-up Grids
When a makeup grid is duplicated, it is by default duplicated to the right, it will never be duplicated by keeping a distance. This action is realised by pressing the letter [D] on your keyboard.
It is also possible to force the direction of the duplication by using the [Alt]+[Arrow] shortcut.
Duplicate Visuals
When a visual is duplicated, it is by default duplicated to the right, it will never be duplicated by keeping a distance. This action is realised by pressing the letter [D] on your keyboard.
It is also possible to force the direction of the duplication by using the [Alt]+[Arrow] shortcut.
This rule is the same no matter where the visual is placed (on the back panel, header, footer, side, makeup tray, shelf edge)
We hope you found your answers in this article and we hope you liked it!