Below you will find all of the possibilities regarding duplication of elements from your toolbox, in order to create your guideline in the most intuitive way.
Toolbox Element Duplication
Bay Duplication
If a bay is duplicated, the bay and its content will be duplicated by default on the right. This action is realised went pressing the letter [D] on your keyboard.
The new bay is placed on the right of the selected bay, if another bay is placed on the left, the new bay is duplicated by keeping the same distance.
It is also possible to force the direction of the duplication by using the [Alt]+[Arrow] shortcut.
Shelf Duplication
When a shelf is duplicated, it is duplicated to the top.
The duplication is done by using the available distance between the selected shelf and the first toolbox element aligned below (or the bottom of the bay). This action is realised by pressing the letter [D] on your keyboard.
It is also possible to force the direction of the duplication by using the [Alt]+[Arrow] shortcut (it can be useful if you want to duplicate it horizontally instead of vertically)
Vertical Separator Duplication
When a vertical separator is duplicated, it is duplicated to the right.
The duplication is done by using the available distance between the selected vertical separator and the first toolbox element aligned encountered on the left (or the left side of the bay). This action is realised by pressing the letter [D] on your keyboard.
It is also possible to force the direction of the duplication by using the [Alt]+[Arrow] shortcut.
Hook Duplication
When a hook is duplicated, it is duplicated to the right. This action is realised by pressing the letter [D] on your keyboard.
The duplication is done by using the available distance between the selected hook and the first toolbox element aligned encountered on the left (or the left side of the bay).
It is also possible to force the direction of the duplication by using the [Alt]+[Arrow] shortcut.
Item Holder Duplication
When an item holder is duplicated, it is duplicated to the right. This action is realised by pressing the letter [D] on your keyboard.
The duplication is done by using the available distance between the selected item holder and the first toolbox element aligned encountered on the left (or the left side of the bay).
It is also possible to force the direction of the duplication by using the [Alt]+[Arrow] shortcut.
Make-up Tray Duplication
When a makeup tray is duplicated, it is by default duplicated to the right, it will never be duplicated by keeping a distance. Trays are most of the time side by side to optimise spaces. This action is realised went pressing the letter [D] on your keyboard.
It is also possible to force the direction of the duplication by using the [Alt]+[Arrow] shortcut.
We hope you found your answers in this article and we hope you liked it!